Validator Profile: Frens Validator

Frens Validator

Valoper Address: agoricvaloper1c3wxkr72ustalvwcfn3uctcsu9c6wewzqrxl2q
Self Delegate Address: agoric1c3wxkr72ustalvwcfn3uctcsu9c6wewzsm4kkp
Commission rate: 5%
Location (Country): Zug, Switzerland
Description/Bio: Frens Validator was founded in early 2022. We became well-known in the Cosmos after launching the very first re-staking bot with AuthZ. Since then we have been able to attract thousands of delegators across the Cosmos. Today we operate on 30+ networks and have more than 116k individual delegators, making us the validator with the most individual delegators across the ecosystem. At the beginning of 2023, we made our first moves towards other ecosystems by launching on the Near blockchain and various Ethereum staking solutions.
Services provided to delegators: Primarily, we provide the re-staking bot, making your life as a delegator easier since you don’t have to claim and re-stake your rewards daily - the bot is doing the work for you!

Contact Info/Socials

  • Website:
  • Twitter: @frensvalidator
  • Discord: -
  • Telegram: Telegram: Join Group Chat
  • Email (support/community):


Technical Contributions

  • Happy to provide RPC Nodes