Validator Profile: Chainflow

Valoper Adress: agoricvaloper1snn4uhxh04gzpgk4l8naw3n6fu7ucwx3lwk9dq

Self Delegate Address: agoric1snn4uhxh04gzpgk4l8naw3n6fu7ucwx30k9v3p

Commission rate: 7%

Location (Country): Global

Bio: Chainflow is building Web3 infrastructure for a better world.

We were founded in 2017 by decentralization activist Chris Remus to accelerate the development of a more inclusive, equitable, and fair economy. We’ve since grown into one of the most active teams working in the staking economy, operating secure, high-performance validators on many of the leading Cosmos networks. Chainflow has never taken an outside investment; we’re self-funded from day one, fully independent, and proudly values-driven. These values are decentralization, governance participation, equity, access, and inclusivity. We helped start efforts like the Staking Defense League and the Validator Commons. We were a part of the initial Validator working group prior to the launch of the Cosmos hub. Now we are on multiple Cosmos chains including the Cosmos Hub, Agoric, Akash, Juno, Osmosis, Regen, Canto, Quicksilver, and Stargaze.



Twitter: @ChainflowPOS


We run RPC nodes
We track the Nakamoto coefficient for Agoric
We held an AMA on staking, governance, and validators
We held an Incentivized Testnet AMA
Sponsored a Cosmos NYC meetup with Agoric
We have a Validator monitoring system called Cosmos Mission control
We have multiple instances of participating in discussion of proposals prior to voting

Nakamoto Coefficient Tracker:

Staking, governance, and Validators AMA:
Incentivized Testnet AMA: Agoric Incentivized Testnet AMA Hosted by Chainflow