Validator Profile: Stakecito


Valoper Address: agoricvaloper1qe8uuf5x69c526h4nzxwv4ltftr73v7qzs405
Self Delegate Address: agoricvaloper1qe8uuf5x69c526h4nzxwv4ltftr73v7qzs405m
Commission rate: 5%
Location (Country): Dubai (entity), team operates remotely across the globe
Description/Bio: *Stakecito secures and decentralizes proof-of-stake (PoS) networks, primarily on Cosmos. We are strong advocates of the App-chain thesis in Cosmos and believe that IBC will evolve into the industry-standard for interoperability. Two of the co-founders of Stakecito (Nemus & Jonas) started to explore PoS validation on protocols like Celo, Cardano & Polkadot back in 2019. In April 2021, Cryptocito, Nemus, and Jonas launched the Stakecito validator brand, becoming a major contributor to the Cosmos ecosystem and beyond.

Our servers are hosted in well-known datacenters in Germany and Europe. Our providers guarantee > 99% uptime, best-practice data center standards (like failover backups, mirrored backups in different data centers, redundant power, cooling, networking, gated access, remote alerting etc.) and certified security practices (eg ISO27001). Sentries and backup servers are in use in case of DDoS attacks or infrastructure failures. We operate two sentry nodes to gain redundancy for our validator in two different data centers and to protect against DDoS attacks.

A mixture of hosted bare metal and cloud services is in use. Expanding storage or upgrading hardware is possible. We operate our validator on Long-term supported Operating Systems, use multi-factor authentication with lower privileged accounts and apply general system security and hardening (e.g. regular patches, kernel hardening, closed ports and services, permissions restricted, SSH restricted, applied password policies, strict firewall rules etc.). Backups of important operator files are maintained regularly. Our servers are monitored and alerting is in place.*

Services provided to delegators: *

  1. Cryptocito combined >100k followers, 2.5-3 million monthly impressions, 40k viewers
  1. Stakecito has +100k delegators / addresses
  • Participating & co-hosting Twitter Spaces, resharing relevant project news & announcements
  • Active participation in governance
  • Ecosystem support via Twitter & Telegram
  • Stakecito Youtube: @ stakecito

Contact Info/Socials


  • *Agoric Content Contributions:

Restricted to posting more links currently.*

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