Validator Profile: NodeStake


Valoper Address: agoricvaloper1nkhsz0uk0d8qd4p7unrwej0j3ne8acpk9dd3sg
Self Delegate Address: agoric1nkhsz0uk0d8qd4p7unrwej0j3ne8acpk447cvf
Commission rate: 5%
Location (Country): Singapore

Description/Bio: NodeStake is the professional validator, infrastructure provider and IBC relayer.
Up to now, NodeStake has provided validating and infrastructure services (RPC endpoints, snapshots, IBC relayers) for over 60 chains, such as Agoric, CosmosHub Archway, Evmos, etc.

Contact Info/Socials


  • Infrastructure for Agoric Mainnet and Testnet at Agoric | NodeStake include:
    :white_check_mark: Explorer:
    :white_check_mark: RPC/API/gRPC
    :white_check_mark: Genesis File
    :white_check_mark: Addrbook
    :white_check_mark: Seed Node
    :white_check_mark: Live peers
    :white_check_mark: State Sync
    :white_check_mark: Snapshot

  • IBC relayers
    Agoric ↔ Osmosis
    Agoric ↔ Omniflix
    Agoric ↔ Archway
    Agoric ↔ Composable

  • Manage Chinese TG Community(Telegram: Contact @agoric_chinese)

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