Validator Profile: Nodes.Guru


Valoper Address: agoricvaloper1w2fe5lu8jp02xtaxlak0456fjthe588xwqjmaz
Self Delegate Address: agoric1w2fe5lu8jp02xtaxlak0456fjthe588x7cpjpr
Commission rate: 4%
Location (Country): British Virgin Islands (BVI), Argentina
Guru of Non-Custodial Staking
Nodes.Guru offers professional node running with a focus on security and reliability, low fees, optimal uptime, and 24/7 customer support. We’re not just a validator service; we’re a trusted partner in the blockchain ecosystem.
Innovation in Infrastructure & Solutions
Our infrastructure combines the best of cloud and bare metal solutions, ensuring top-notch performance and unparalleled security. We don’t just use available tools; we innovate. Our team develops and implements proprietary monitoring and security solutions, as well as applications beneficial to our delegators.
Trust & Versatility
In the Agoric network, over 8,600 delegators place their trust in us. Our expertise spans across more than 35 different networks, showcasing our versatility and commitment.
Services provided to delegators:

Contact Info/Socials

  • Website:
  • Twitter: @NodesGuru
  • Telegram: @NodesGuru_EN
  • Email (support/community):


  • Agoric Blockchain Explorer: Developed and maintain the Agoric Blockchain Explorer, a vital tool for the community to monitor and analyze network activities.
  • Devnet: Running a Devnet validator and also maintaining a dedicated Devnet explorer:
    [NG] Explorer | Agoric | agoricvaloper1l59wfskgu2564m6e7wmd20e3wyn0d0h8qsyrc5
  • NodesGuru Bot: Launched the NodesGuru Bot on Telegram, assisting users in monitoring their nodes, controlling coin unlocks, and overseeing wallet transactions.
    Telegram: Contact @NodesGuru_bot
  • RPC & API Services: We provide RPC and API services for both Mainnet and Devnet networks, ensuring developers and users have the tools they need for seamless interactions with the Agoric ecosystem.
  • Agoric Testnet Participation: We participated early in the Agoric Testnet, showcasing our proactive approach and dedication to the network.