Validator Profile: Let's Node

Let’s Node

Valoper Address: agoricvaloper13l7rzp5yjnpnsus8xy8q4ere5agtg37frphfjk
Self Delegate Address: agoric13l7rzp5yjnpnsus8xy8q4ere5agtg37fneyqwh
Commission rate: 5%
Location (Country): Germany
We are a team of inspired and driven people with years of IT and crypto experience. Together we represent the Let’s Node project - our offspring, aimed at:
▸ building a strong friendly node run/crypto communities to superb support networks and ecosystems;
▸ providing technical support to other node runners;
▸ helping the beginners and accompanying advanced node runners throughout the daily issues.
▸ providing high quality stable staking service for more than 10 mainnets, we use only bare metall servers

Our team has been working in the field of testnets, nodes and validation for quite a long time. We are successful validators and node runners of many projects such as: Moonbeam, Solana, Agoric, Archway, Evmos, Umee, Kusama, Nym, KiChain, Axelar, Goracle, XX Network, Calamari and others; where we preserve not purely high uptime, but further endeavour to contribute with the content to our supported networks. Furthermore we are running several active UA and RU-speaking chats and communities. We advising projects and participaiting as Community Managers, Country Leads, Ambassadors, Senioer nad Head of Ambassadors, Technical Moderators and Admins.

Contact Info/Socials


  • We held a grant with Axelar for helping them with technical support and testing during their incentivized testnet.

  • We are running and supporting ru-speaking chats for Evmos as well as providing guides for their testnets

  • We are genesis validators in Agoric, Evmos, Archway and some other projects

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