Validator Profile: Ubik Capital

Ubik Capital

Valoper Address: agoricvaloper1suvlhxphuf0ur0sh4c6p673fxewdw0fvu7s8nx
Self Delegate Address: agoric1suvlhxphuf0ur0sh4c6p673fxewdw0fvvxrw08
Commission rate: 5%
Location (Country): Romania
Description/Bio: Ubik Capital is a trailblazing force in the blockchain industry, empowered by a team of experts who deliver exceptional Proof-of-Stake services and investment opportunities. Ubik Capital secures major Proof-of-Stake networks and is a trusted staking provider with years of industry experience. Ubik Capital is a validator for Proof-of-Stake networks such as: Solana, Cosmos Hub, Cronos, Injective, Aleph Zero, Band Protocol, Coreum, Oasis Network, ICON Network, Polkadot, Regen, Akash, Stargaze, Nomic, Neutron, Gravity Bridge.
The Proof-of-Stake expertise that you need. The blockchain knowledge that you cannot afford to be without.
Ubik Capital is trusted by 9000+ delegators on 21+ networks and has 4+ years of experience in proof of stake networks.
Services provided to delegators: TBA

Contact Info/Socials


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