Validator Profile: STC Capital

STC Capital

Valoper Address: agoricvaloper13ypv8k9qf7ztlt3cpqf2s8raazkw3eyujpw2u3
Self Delegate Address: agoric13ypv8k9qf7ztlt3cpqf2s8raazkw3eyuzearqs
Commission rate: 9%
Location (Country): Vietnam
Description/Bio: STC Capital is a venture capital and infrastructure firm founded in 2016. We incubate and invest in leading blockchain projects, including Thorchain, Persistence, Chainlink, and Kylin Network.

As an experienced validator, we currently operate nodes across 15 mainnets and testnets, including Agoric, Persistence, AssetMantle, Hypersign, and more.

Our globally distributed bare metal validators leverage Tier 3, ISO-certified data centers operated by Viettel IDC and CMC for top security and performance.
Services provided to delegators:

  • Tax Reporting - We support the community with a leading crypto tax like CoinTracker.
  • Relayer Services - We operate relayers between several networks.
  • Education - We create educational materials and resources to help delegators learn about staking, governance, validating, and using the networks we support.
  • Grant Programs - We operate grant programs for community developers.
  • Community Support

Contact Info/Socials


  • Building the Vietnamese community on Telegram and Twitter with various activities (AMA, Quiz, Staking support):
  • Working with local newspapers and spreading Agoric’s content.
  • Public RPC/GRPC/LCD, check our website..
  • Active governance participant and voter on key proposals.
  • Devnet: