Around the Cosmos - June 12, 2023

The Cosmos ecosystem is constantly moving, and evolving, and it can be hard to keep up with the latest news and developments across the vast network of independent communities. That’s why every week I start a thread to share and discuss news from Around the Cosmos.
While I do my best to keep up I can’t catch every update from every chain, so I invite members of the community to contribute to the conversation and share any news that may have been missed. Together we can make these threads valuable information resources for the Agoric community and beyond!

Link to last post:

Playing catch up as I’ve missed a few of these posts, so this week will be a longer thread with news from the last few weeks around the Cosmos ecosystem.

Around the Cosmos

Agoric news

Elswhere in the interchain
Security first…

Now for some Cosmos Hub news…

And going beyond Cosmos Hub…

That’s all I’ve got for this week. While this is a fair bit of news it isn’t all of the news!
If you have comments/questions about the updates shared, or know of any news that was missed, please comment and share below!