Validator Profile: 1ce

Validator Name: 1ce

Valoper Address: agoricvaloper19zqc6h7d3lff204rsr02qzxceea7kule54j0hw
Self Delegate Address: agoric19zqc6h7d3lff204rsr02qzxceea7kuleydpxt0
Commission rate: 10
Location (Country): Germany/Poland
Description/Bio:I am a blockchain enthusiast, DevOps and validator. Secure and reliable individual PoS/PoW validator, 24hr management & monitoring. (Grafana + Prometeus + Telegram alerts). I’m also the validator on the following projects:

Contact Info/Socials

  • Website:
  • Twitter: @cryptoice2
  • Discord: 1ce
  • Telegram: @ice1ceice
  • Github
