Incentives expired. Wen Incentives?

The Osmosis pool incentives for OSMO/IST have expired.
I’d like to propose that they be reinstated.
How about keeping them active for 90 days after the vaults are available?

The DCF intends to deploy another 450,000 BLD into the IST/OSMO pool.

We just working through the logistics for deploying a new gauge.


Confirming the info from Zaki (above) and adding some more details:

  • Incentives will be recontinued Monday (9 Jan) at the same rate as before (5000 BLD/day)

  • Please note it will likely be necessary to unbond from the current gauge to a new gauge on Osmosis to earn the new rewards

Apologies for the inconvenience and thank you all for the interest in IST

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Correction: It will not be necessary for users to unbond from the current gauge to a new gauge on Osmosis to earn the new rewards.

Anyone who is bonded to 14 day already gets all gauges that apply to 14 day even if they are newly added.

OSMO incentives are still live on the pool currently, and BLD incentives will be continued on Monday Jan 9.


Good news, Hannah! Thanks for that

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Osmosis pool incentives are now live again!