Update on the Recent Slow Blocks on Agoric Mainnet

:mega: Attention Validators :mega:

Agoric OpCo core devs are aware of recent block delays and we want to assure you that the team is actively evaluating how to quickly resolve the issue. We have identified the root cause to be a result of increased wallet provisioning, leading to longer block times.
The chain is fully functional, and there is no spam attack in progress. In any case, we recommend validators consider implementing a minimum-gas-prices of 3600 ubld or 0.001 IST to reflect the defaults in Keplr, per previous forum discussions.

Over the next few days, core devs may be actively troubleshooting the issue in the ā collaboration channel. As we determine the swiftest path to resolution, we will share those options with you and the wider community here and in a dedicated thread on Discourse.

:pray: We appreciate your patience as we work towards resolving this matter. :pray:

If you have questions please reach out in the Agoric-3 validators ā collaboration in Discord.

An update on the issue of increased blocktimes: We have identified the root cause of the slow blocks on mainnet to be a result of increased wallet provisioning. Over the next few days we anticipate there will be periods of block delays with some validators missing blocks, but overall we are confident that mainnet will not halt.

Core developers believe that the upcoming mainnet 1B platform upgrades will address several contributing factors to this issue, and testing of this upcoming release is currently on-going in Emerynet. In the meantime, restarting your node may mitigate this issue.

We appreciate your support and patience as we address this matter.